It is very easy to see evil. It is very easy to notice bad. It is very easy to be negative.
Especially here in Uganda.
It is heartbreaking to hear the stories, but even more heartbreaking watching how true they are. Witnessing fathers abandon their families. Mothers neglecting their children. Orphanages in dire need of extra help, diapers, and clean clothes. It is heartbreaking to watch a child suffering from HIV shivering, hurt, and sick...when you can do nothing. It is heartbreaking to hold children that were given up. Left. Abandoned. Malnourished. Neglected. Sick. With nothing. This is what truly makes my heart break.
Yet, this morning I woke up and read this verse:
"The Word gave life to everything that was created, and His life brought light to everyone. The light shines in the darkness, and the darkness can never extinguish it." John 1.4-5
Today, I witnessed all of these things. I saw the darkness, and I watched evil work. I saw the brokenness of the world, and I felt the pain of human beings. And still without a doubt, I knew... darkness cannot hide in the light. Jesus brought light, and that light was left behind for us. It was left in your home, on the corner of your street, in the house of your neighbor, at your local market, in the mud-made huts that fill the villages of Uganda, in every home on every street in every city, state, country, and continent. That light was left for us. God knew the darkness that was present- and He sent His son to bring light that would conquer.
Surrounded in darkness, it is our decision to look for light. Because it is there, we just have to look hard enough.
Today, while angry and frustrated at the darkness. Frustrated that I, in my imperfect brokenness, have and will add to that darkness. Frustrated that there is such a thing as darkness- decided to look for light.
What I saw, was just that-
I saw Getu, our sweet girl suffering major burns from a kerosene lamp, being loved on by her mother. Sitting on her mama's lap singing songs together. Holding hands. Today I saw the love of a mother, who would sacrifice everything for her daughter. Spending each and everyday devoted to helping her daughter heal. Spending every waking moment committed to creating a happy successful future for her baby girl. Today, I witnessed that selfless kind of love.
I saw Rashid, an outreach child staying with us here at Sole Hope. Holding his tummy probably wishing he was somewhere familiar, feeling sick and sad and scared. I got to sit next to this sweet, toothless boy, and rub his tummy- just like my mama did for me when I was sick. As he drifted to sleep under the shade of the tree, lying on a papyrus mat, I thanked Jesus for allowing me to be surrounded by light. Loving this child. Praying for him. Being strangely comforted miles away from home. Enjoying every bit of his sleepy presence. Today, I witnessed that innocent kind of love.
I saw Waiswa, the sweetest cuddly boy in the world. Running full speed towards me as I walk through the gates of the orphanage. Throwing his arms around my neck, and holding on for dear life... seriously never letting go. Sitting under a tree, taking pictures, climbing on me like I am his own personal jungle gym, brushing the hair out of my face, and just being so darn cute. Today, I witnessed that unconditional kind of love.
Today I saw sweet Esther, the girl with the most heart-melting smile in all of Uganda. Laying on a mat, covered in flies- smiling her gorgeous smile. Laying so tiny in my arms. So fragile. So serene. So perfect. Today, I saw that sweet kind of love.
That light, the one Jesus left us, it looks like love. Selfless, innocent, unconditional, and sweet kind of love. And despite the darkness, it does surround us. Just look. Then choose it.