Noah said yes.
Abraham let go.
Moses led forth.
Gideon leaned in.
David stood tall.
Esther spoke up.
Mary believed.
Joseph trusted.
Peter stepped out.
Sometimes I forget who has gone before me. Who lived before my time, and set the pace of the race we’re all running. Sometimes I forget that they, too, endured. Sometimes I forget that Jesus did triumph.
I forget… until I read these stories and see the immeasurable, unfathomable, and fatal trust these men and women had. Noah built the ark. Abraham led his son to the altar. Moses walked through the sea. Gideon put down his weapons in the middle of a war. David stood below a giant. Esther risked her life. Mary carried the Son of God into the world, while Joseph trusted the Lord through it. And Peter walked on water.
I want trust like that. I want trust that knows no bounds. I want trust like Noah, who said yes to something before he even knew what it was. Noah, a man that had never seen a flood before. A man that had never even seen RAIN yet He trusted God and obeyed Him. I want faith like that- faith that says ‘yes’, and then walks blindly. Though dark, though scary, though lonely, though uncomfortable… faith that walks side by side with Jesus the whole way. Faith that doesn’t look down. Faith that doesn’t ask questions. Blind, scary, fatal faith.
This new adventure I am on, to me, looks much like Noah’s. He was told, and He said yes. I was told, and I have said yes. Much like Noah, I have absolutely no idea what is being asked of me. The “flood” that Noah knew nothing about? I have a flood coming my way. Jesus has set before me people to guide me and He is whispering His plan slowly but surely in my ear. What I’ve learned so far is that I must wait on Him. His timing is perfect. Just like His will, His timing is sure. It may be slow, but it is sure.
While my days feel unfinished, while the days to come feel so unexpected, and while I feel so stretched and uncomfortable through it all- I am walking with God. I am saying ‘yes’. & I will build an ark if I have to.
The trust part I’m learning daily. Somedays I am solid, and others I falter. But I am still saying ‘yes’. No matter the cost I am saying ‘yes’. Because I know the Lord has gone before me, walks beside me, and is closer than the very breath I breathe.
Blind, scary, fatal faith. That is the pace set for us… by our very own brothers and sisters and more importantly by a God that knows you can. Live like the God of the universe knows you can. Blind, scary, fatal faith.
Haley, I believe I was supposed to read this, so thank you so much. It's great to see what God is doing in and through you.
ReplyDeleteCarina Lara